Friday, November 1, 2013

On 5:49 AM by Unknown in    5 comments

29 Answers
Lawrence Tam
Lawrence Tamtop producer in Empower Network, MLSP, My Phone Room, Visalus, Numis Network,...
Think of affiliate marketing as commissioned-based sales. A company creates a product and commissions people to sell it for them in exchange for a percentage of the sale. Amazon, Best Buy and other major retail outlets have affiliate programs. 

That’s right, you can set up an account with say, Best Buy, start selling flat screen TVs, and earn about a 4% commission. It is the affiliate marketer’s job to send people to an offer to Best Buy, and if that prospect buys, they earn a commission.

Now, that is affiliate marketing at its very basic function. Here’s the thing about affiliate marketing.

It is a science, AS WELL AS an art.

After I left eBay as a seller to go after the bigger financial fish (as well as score a more stable income) I learned the hard way just how tough affiliate marketing can be for beginners. I persevered, and earned thousands of dollars per MONTH, but it still wasn’t enough.

That is because you need a lot of traffic to be able to sell affiliate products.
Think of a funnel
  • 1000 people come to your website.
  • 100 optin.
  • 1 buys.
The average sales conversion is about 1%.

If you sell a $1000 flat screen for a 4% commission, you earn $40. If you sell one per day, every day, in a 30-day month, then you earn $1,200 per month.

Not bad!

So the next question is, how do you get 1000 people to your site every DAY? Remember, in order to earn that $1200 a month, you must have about 1000 people coming every day to your website. 


The answer is, it is a lot of work, planning and sometimes, cutting your losses. It is about finding what marketing technique works for you.
If you stick with it, you will learn a lot, and can potentially earn money.

You can also earn a little bit, say $500 a month and start over with another site. Imagine building 10 sites, all bringing in $500 or more per month. It’s possible.

How To Make Extra Money: The Unconventional Guide
Derek Curry
Derek CurryCEO -
Blogs are generally not a good platform to run a successful affiliate marketing business. Successful affiliate marketers run their businesses just like the businesses selling the product would. The key? Content. 

Offer a service that helps the visitor to research, find, or shop for the is a great example of what i'm referring to. Visitors go there to shop. The site receives a MUCH greater amount of sales per click than you would see in a non-related or single product focused blog.
Faisal Khan
Faisal KhanBanking & Payments Consultant
Okay, I am going to fasten my belt, because I do expect of whiplash from this answer. I apologize for the grammar or sentence cohesion - its late whilst I type this, so I could be off.

The short answer is: NO!

I have never come across an affiliate marketeer who is making a significant income from it and is willing to share this proof with me. 

Not one. 


Been 4+ years in the hunt and I know my fair share of affiliate marketeers.

I have personally been banned from forums like www.warriorforum.combecause I specifically challenged all those so called gurus who were selling their work for $97, or $47 or $27 (and made $100,000s from it), to show me proof. 

The only proof I wanted was either a video recording of them entering their PayPal account or Bank Account statement that was showing the same. 

Never got it. 

I suggested many other options/alternatives to them to validate their wild income claims, only to get booted time and time again. yes, I tried under various IDs, etc. 

Is there income from affiliate marketing - sure there is. Is it enough for people to make the wild claims they do - to sustain a large living of it - NO! That is a pure scam (in my opinion) and I refuse to budge from my stance, unless shown otherwise (i.e. proven wrong).

Affiliate marketing benefits the company whose product/service you are selling.

Let me repeat that again, affiliate marketing benefits the company you are promoting --- not you!

Simple. 1000s of people sign up and promote their products in the hopes of making an income. If 1000s of people are actually promoting the product, then the products would be flying off the shelves - the sad reality of it is - they are not (in majority of the cases).

If you promote say a product from Amazon, the cookie is only valid for 24-hours! Now lets say you have 50,000 visitors a month, realistically, 100-150 or so will click in (I say this from experience and from having seen many high-traffic blogs, who do affiliate marketing). Out of this 100-150 clicks, they usually have 1-3 sales per month. That's it.

Those who claim that their cookie is valid for 45 days (good!), but what about the product? Either it is crap (a fact easily verified by the percentage of the income you would be getting back from the sale price), or the mere fact that 10,000+ people are promoting it. The chances of you making a sale is slim to none.

The amount of money you spend in promoting the blog and promoting the product, does not do justice to the income made. Many people will tell you of how to go about making 100s of sites with micro-niches, etc. and you will be raking in the money. Please go ahead and try and prove me wrong. I would love to see to the contrary. 

Like I cited, affiliate income is there, but not enough to make a significantliving from it. Most of the Long Sales Letters you will see, with screen shots of crazy income accumulated over a 24-hour period, etc. are all fake. 100% fake. Why is it that only in this industry (Internet Marketing / Affiliate Marketing) do you see those LONG winded sales letters and when you try to leave the page, a message pops up asking you (convincing you for the last time) not to walk away from this lucrative opportunity. 

I have seen so called gurus on Warrior Forum go bankrupt and absolutely broke. I keep bringing Warrior Forum again and again, because it is highlighted as the mecca for internet and affiliate marketing. The people who really are making money are those who are selling their products and services. A person who makes a product for say amazing SEO plugin for WordPress is making money. The affiliates are not. For example, Thesis WordPress theme by DIY Themes is surely making money, their affiliates are "sooooooo" many (emphasis supplied), that the entire market is chopped up and distributed amongst the 1000s of affiliates and what each gets in turn, are a few $100 at best (if at all).

Its a numbers game for those starting out, and the odds are stacked against you. Why on earth would a person who has discovered a way or promotes a secret recipe of making $10,000s a month, share it with you for a few measly US$? 

Answer - because that is the fraternity con. 

All the other gurus would back each other and the novices like you and me, those who lie in bed all day, dreaming of how we could go online and make a very decent income and quit our jobs and take the vacations, get conned by these so called gurus, and money from our wallet (you will notice) will flow to 'them' be it in shape of SEO tactics, SEM, back links acquisitions, webpages setup, landing pages sales, mentorships, classes, plug-ins, robots, automated techniques, mailing list magic, 100% sure copy writing services, more secret recipes, analytical tools, more courses, e-books, more reading, the infamous "try harder, don't give up now" or "shampoo-wash-rinse-repeat" mantras that are constantly pounded into your subliminal mind.

Those with deep pockets, and I mean deep, who have the resources to buy 1000s of domains, lots of resources working for specialized micro-niche pages, and driving traffic to them, one way or the other, are making money. They have a wide spectrum of websites which is equally balanced with a wide spectrum of website traffic (very high traffic to very low traffic) and they average a very decent income. But they are not on these boards selling their secrets. They stay away from such crap and continue to focus on what works for them. They have the money to do very large scale buying of Adwords and other keywords to drive traffic to their website and keep you out on the periphery. 

Every story you read about affiliate marketing, is like a cocaine story. There is a pusher in there, trying to promote or push their product or service to you, whilst at all time keeping you mesmerized by the promise of the big affiliate income source.

Its like when I was young and I read the "Emperor's New Clothes".... only a little boy could see that the Emperor riding on the horse was only in his undies...and if you continue to believe in this fable, that is all that you will have left.

Ask around for how many have been successful at affiliate marketing and whatportion does it constitute of their overall income - the answer would be surprising for you - very little. Meagre in most cases.

Ask around to find someone who really made it - in affiliate marketing, and the answer is you won't find many. You will however find that most of them transition to some form of a product or service they sell to you, be it content writing, guru-ness teaching, learning the ropes, e-books, sales, etc. all to tellyou how to make it in affiliate marketing world. Quite a contradiction. 

The game is a loop.

This answer is not about being venomous at all. But it is about letting people know - think before you take the leap. The internet has simply exploded with the false pretense of fast money, cars, vacations, debt-free living, beaches, jewelry, fine wines, villas by the beach and city condos.... I think you know better.

There is no harm in learning affiliate marketing. Maybe you could be the one who makes it and proves me wrong. If so, I shall have a lot of respect for you. But do so with care. Most of what is taught - is freely available on the Internet.  Freely! You just have to be patient, and clever in seeking out the material and putting it all together. I don't expect everyone to 'get it' - and this is what cons rely on, they hope you don't get it and then con their way into making sure you are on the long but sure path of getting it - which sadly never arrives. You will be flustered, frustrated, angry and feel violated once you discover how much money you have wasted on it. For good orders sake, don't put your hand into your savings or college funds, retirement fund. 

The only people I know off, who are making money, but still I have not seen an income statement to that effect and hence I am very cautious, are the people who run very large mailing lists. When you have numbers in the 25,000+ readers in your mailing list, it is very well possible to make affiliate money off them. However, having said this, there are two caveats to the above statement.

  • Many readers feel 'cheated' if a link they clicked on in your list, somehow made you money (yes, crazy thought, but it is true).
  • You cannot continually keep pitching affiliate links to your readers, else they will deem the list to be a source of spam, and unsibscribe themselves from your list.

(Mailing) Lists are run like campaigns, spaced a few days apart. The income can be 'decent' provided the offering and the campaign was well thought of. However, I might add, it takes (months, if not years) to have such a list of so many people who opt-in, and the key point to note in lists is that they cater to a very specific vertical/niche. You can only market within that niche. Building such a huge list of subscribers takes a lot of money, so if the Question is can you make it - via lists, I would say, the jury is still out. I am 'convinced' it can be made, however, I have yet to see proof for the same. I don't know what the big deal is why people cannot share proof.

The affiliate marketing scam is equal in size if not greater in size to the Nigerian 401 scam. Yes, you really have a person willing to give you $ 1 Million. BS you say? Then how come you buy the same BS packaged in a different way, when someone tells you how you can make millions in affiliate marketing by buying their <insert product/service name here> for $X?

Stay in this niche long enough, and you will unknowingly transform from an affiliate marketeer to a provider of services or a product (mark my words!). Then you too shall be trying to find newbies the 5,000+ people who are logged in on Warrior Forum or other places like Digital Point, etc. and be making a comfortable living, in trying to sell 'stuff' to these people (mostly genuine stuff but equally balanced by a lot of fraudulently pre-packed BS). And the best part is the newbies are in millions! Millions! Imagine the possibility of duping them!

The subliminal advertising is so convincing, you will be drawn to it - the gravity of making money always will lure you. My advise, keep your wallet/money away! Do NOT go on the impulsive shopping spree. The 1 day only left, or a limited time offer. It just never ends.

If you have any questions and/or comments on this subject, please feel free to ask in the comments section.
Pierre Bradshaw
Pierre BradshawCEO of | 13 Years experience in Aff Marketing

I've seen people making upwards of $400k a day (via email) and many making 5 figures daily (via media buying).  Never in my life have I ever seen such an easily accessible industry generate so much money for regular people.  It's child's play to make several hundred daily if you have a reliable source of traffic.  Anyone who tells you differently doesn't know much about the industry. 

The key to making money as an affiliate is being able to find and convert massive amounts of traffic.  If you can do that you will never have to work a day job again.   

You don't have to buy any $47 info product from a "guru" to learn the business. There's enough freely available info out there to learn the business quickly.  There's real money to be made and you don't really need anyone to help you do it. Just read and try what seems easiest and most interesting to you.
Max Teitelbaum
Max TeitelbaumCOO and Co Founder at WhatRunsWhere
Yes, you can. Same as any biz, you can do well if you have a good network, relationships and know how. Hard work doesn't hurt either. But hell, what do I know, only did it for 6 years full time before we

It's not for everyone, and trust me, the guys doing REALLY well don't talk. Because they're not dumb... if I told you I was killing it, wouldn't you want to do the same and come try to screw around with my biz?
It's harder to get into the industry today, and it depends on what "significant money" is to you. However, I'll still say "yes"

You don't need a $47 eBook, there are no shortcuts. It's a lot of hard work, learning, adjusting to the changing landscape, and lots of time. I just partnered with 2 other affiliates and launched a site in March, and will be marketing heavily for 9 months to be ready for this year's holiday shopping season.

If you don't have a year to invest in building your site, with quality content, and aren't willing to learn the right way to do things (no shortcuts!), don't bother.
I would say you can; but it really is not as easy as it first seems.

It is very easy to think that you can just build a website, throw up some affiliate products and watch the money roll in. I know this because I used to think like this!

The art of online affiliate sales is promotion and substance. For example, you have to promote to get traffic (not easy) and lets say you use Amazon affiliates, you have to provide real value to the reader for then decide to buy from you and not just go directly to Amazon.

You also have to be prepared to spend money, like hundreds of dollars to get any real sales. The days of free internet income are over (and also the words passive income are a myth, it is real work and it is hard work).

I have spent the last 12 months learning, making, promoting and finding keywords, writing content, learning about how to improve conversion rates, studying the products I review and understanding my market. I have spent at least $300 (I would estimate and most likely more than that!) and only now am starting to earn some money.

How much money? Well, only around $200 a month.

But this has been a real learning experience for me and although that is not a lot; I am reinvesting into bigger things to make more in the future.

I have learnt some really valuable things that will help me with my next project. The biggest lesson I have learnt is that you just have to get started and understand that your first attempt will probably fail. As will many other goes. If you keep going learning from your mistakes; you will make money (cliche I know but true).

The second biggest lesson for me was to have realistic expectations. 

Can you make significant amounts of money as an affiliate? Yes.
Will you make significant amounts of money as an affiliate? If you learn, invest and improve then yes (depending on your definition of significant, I would be very happy with an extra $2000 a month!)
Should you try and become an affiliate marketer? If you understand that it takes work, a lot of work (don't underestimate this), then you will make some money.

I hope this helps :)
Ilan Nass
Ilan NassDigital Marketing Consultant / Founder of
If by means stable income then yes, you can make significant money through affiliate marketing but it doesn't happen overnight or even expect it to happen in just a few months after starting. There are even those who received good money after years of working. You will still receive money when you start given you apply the right approaches but mostly, stable income happens after a year of hard work. Besides, some of us had to start from scratch.
Chris Bayley
Chris BayleyManaging Director/Founder of, ex-Googler, investor, adviser
No offence but if you get under people's skin in an effort to validate your predetermined theory, you won't get any responses. If however you speak to people who own businesses that rely on affiliate marketers you would know that there are people making money. The other way is to speak to an ad network.

In part I'd agree (the claims are outrageous) but i have met plenty who have and still are making >$x,xxx,xxx per year. The biggest earners from using affiliate marketing are those that (a) own a product or service and who (b) have strict, enforceable rules to prevent being screwed over by affiliates. But I am guessing that you want to know if affiliates themselves make money. yes, some of them do.

Here's a potted history of the biggest earners, not surprisingly to some extent it is also a potted history of "things Google has cracked down on" and there will always be more things for them to crack down on:

2002-6: Any affiliate marketer doing PPC aggressively, but then the big brands started protecting brand terms (TMs) etc. It was easy to spend $1m/mth and earn $2m/mth. +30% of the biggest advertisers in US, UK, AU for Google were affiliates. If u ever went to a Google/ etc etc advertiser party you could vouch for that. To get in you need to be in the top spenders, and they wouldn't do it to break even ;)

2006->: Various scams have made some affiliates a lot of money (think: teeth widening, premium SMS (e.g. love calculators), acai, bizops (home based businesses). All rely on rebilling (and often non-existent or obscured fine print). Some in the software space are doing very well, though Google has recently cracked down on dodgy driver software. Healthcare (viagra etc) is big (its just moved offshore). Payday loans and anything credit-related is and always will remain big.
2006->: edm businesses remain the largest earning affiliates, esp with groupon etc
Each time there's a crackdown, I'd say 20% of the affiliates will pop up with something else.

There's $ being made by affiliates, I think the more interesting question is how are they making their money?
Simmi Makkar
Simmi MakkarInternet marketing expert at FATbit Technologies
Making money through affiliates is no more than taking the advantage while doing task for others as we are gaining brand popularity that target audience visits, Moreover it depends on our business model and  the type of network you are in, the amount of money we can make through affiliate marketing.
I order to support my point lets take an example suppose anybody out there seeks help regarding operation of particular website related to business , no body will be going to buy this stuff for $100 as its available free of cost. but at the same time in case of eCommerce business when using coupon codes from affiliates, we use to browse affiliate marketer website thus benefiting both affiliate and owner of Ecommerce website.
Dan Richmond
Dan RichmondSearch Engines Optimization Specialist at Link-Assistant.Com
Yes, you can. Provided you put your energy, time and creativity into affiliate marketing. If you're not willing to work hard, you should be probably doing something else as there are easier ways to earn money.

My team has recently published an article that could be helpful for you: 10 Affiliate Marketing Blogs That Publish Income Reports. Just one glimpse at these blogs and their revenues will help you form an objective opinion on affiliate marketing revenue.
Shoaib Ahmed
Shoaib AhmedEntrepreneurial Enthusiast, business & marketing consultant and veteran inter...
This answer is coming from the person who did affiliate marketing for 3 years.

The short answer is "YES".

Let's take an example of SEO and affiliate marketing. There are thousands of weight loss diet pills being launched every month. Many of them are being heavily advertised on TV and other medias to get traction and awareness.

What I used to do, I used to SEO the name of the diet pill on my site (after taking the permission, of course) and get heavy traffic and sales.

There were other people like me doing the same thing, I had one website making around $200 a month from similar strategy, I was darn busy so I didn't scaled up that thing but my friends did.

It's simple.

Outsource everything. Create 10 websites a month making $200 a month. You got a recurring $2,000 a month substantial income.

Make 20, 30, 50 websites. Heck I knew people who had more than 300 websites. Everything was outsourced.

And you know the best part?

A site making $200 a month can easily be sold for $2,000. Damn, you are making online properties which you can resell later for 10x the monthly revenue easily on

And remember, this is only 1 business model. There are hundreds of other legitimate ways to make money with affiliate marketing.

So, it is 100% possible to make a significant money online.

Ask people who are launching WSOs (Warrior Special Offers) how much they are making daily... And you will gonna start hating your day job.


-Shoaib Ahmed
Todd Stearn
Todd StearnCo-Founder and Managing Partner at Aragon Advertising
There is indeed significant money to be made in affiliate marketing. As an affiliate manager I can say that first-hand. Affiliate marketing is not relegated to the point-of-sale. Other popular and profitable models include lead generation and customer acquisition where an advertiser collects users or user information to monetize down the road.

Affiliates are constantly innovating and shifting the entire landscape of internet marketing. The value proposition of CPA and direct response marketing grows especially as large brands begin to hop on board.
Ankit Kumar
Ankit KumarLearning ABC of Finance
The short answer is yes. My blog gives me around $200/month and I am not even qualified to be called blogger. I think someone can scale it 100 times with creativity and additional effort.

Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income makes significant from his blog and web properties. Infusionsoft pays good commission to its partners and so do other companies.

Just search for 'Affiliate or Partners contest' and you will see the leaders and affiliate stars.
Nishadha Silva
Nishadha SilvaSri Lankan Tech Evangelist
The word significant is subjective but after being in the industry for a while and I have seeing people who make above 10000$ of dollars in a day ( not everyday ,mostly during product launches ) .
Personally I'm earning around 1200-1500$ per month from affiliate sales and coming from Sri Lanka that is a significant amount. So the answer to your question is yes, you can make significant amounts from affiliate marketing. its more about finding the right product and the right audience.
Erik Emanuelli
Erik EmanuelliBlogger, Traveler and Freelance Writer.
Definitely, it's one of the most lucrative ways to generate a passive income online. However, not every blogger are able to get good money out of affiliate marketing.

Using the right tools, producing great content, solving your audience needs and problems, choosing relevant products or services to promote are some tips to reach success with affiliate marketing.

Also, people are going to buy from your links, depending on the blog authority and your reputation. This is a harsh truth.

I've recently written:

How to Make Money Wih Affiliate Marketing – A 7 Minute Guide

It includes some interesting tips and resources to use.
Will Hoo
Will HooInternet Marketer
Depends on you do it. For me I think "yes".

If you are a guy who can't create any products, cant write sales letter, then affiliate marketing might works for you. What you need to do is to generate lists, and convert them into sales. You would need to invest time and money in generating your lists. 

After you generate your list, you would need to build a certain relationship with them. 

For me, affiliate marketing is not a "get rich quick" method. You would need to invest time and money on building your website, list and conversion .
Quora User
Quora UserFounder of Just Add Content ( )
You can, but spend your time with the more profitable programs.  For example, don't waste time on products that only pay a few bucks per sale.  Go for the ones with higher payouts.  For example, ProfitPress pays out $100 per sale.  Focus on programs like that in the B2B industry for higher payouts.
Jaya Rai
Jaya RaiDeveloper, Marketer, Wanderer
Yes, you can... well if you have a good network, relationships and you know how to you can get success easily.  have a look at this link - Affiliates | InkThemes. And anyone can join this InkThemes Affiliate program and earn money.

If need any further assistance can contact at
Zac Johnson
Zac JohnsonI blog at
There will always be new and exciting ways to make money online, but there is no need to buy courses and guides to figure it out. Most of these courses are outdated and will just keep upselling you on more useless products.

Focus on creating a quality web site or service that people need and looking at the long term business model. This works whether you incorporate affiliate marketing or not.

A great way to get started is with an affiliate account with Amazon and building out a few niche sites and understanding how it all works.
Mike Douglas
Mike DouglasFreelancer, Photographer, Fitness Freak
If by significant you mean a decent income similar to what you could make working full time, then yes, you can make significant income using affiliate marketing. If you want to become a millionaire, you are going to need a really good team of highly qualified individuals working full time writing contents and marketing them continuously, and for all that you will need a pretty big budget. If you are an expert in your niche and already have a great fan following,  then maybe you can go alone and still earn decent affiliate income. But to get big you will certainly need a dedicated team who share the same vision for your business.  Either way, it will take a lot time and persistent on your part. 

You can become an affiliate for a product or business that you know a lot about or you can start learning about this affiliate marketing industry and then decide on a niche. The next step after that will be  to setup a website or blog that can promote such products or businesses.  You'll need an attractive brand, quality content, and then you'll need to promote your content via SEM, social media, ads and so on. Your main object here is to gain as much traffic as possible so you'll need to develop contents that not only promote certain products and services but also provide useful information to visitors. You don't want to appear as a website that is setup with the sole intention of  earning money- you will not gain much visitor if you just post crap contents with affiliate links. If your recommendations are genuine then you will have lots of followers and a chance to earn lots of money via referrals. 

Many popular online retailers and businesses like Amazon, BestBuy, Walmart etc give you a chance to earn referral reward or commissions.  For example- Lets say you get 3% commission on selling products from a particular retailer. So, if you sell a $1000 product you get $30 commission. Now let's say 50 people buy that product via your blog using your affiliate link. You earn a whopping $1500. Note that not all people who visit your website is going to use your affiliate link. That is why you will need really good traffic. Many online retailers have certain requirements or criteria to quality for their affiliate program, and if you have low traffic, your affiliate application will be declined. 

Hosting and domain services are very popular for their affiliate programs. You simply need to sign up or purchase a hosting service and then you are provided with an affiliate link which you can share on your website, social media or emails to friends. Each qualified referral can earn you $50. Payoneer also has "Refer a Friend Affiliate" program which lets you earn $25 for each referral and the person being referred also earns $25 after he/she loads at least $100 payment. Many freelancers working on websites like Odesk, Elance and Freelancer use the Payoneer MasterCard for getting payments. So, using the affiliate links, new Payoneer users can actually easily earn the $25 reward. 

As you can see there are many ways to earn affiliate money online. You'll just need to do your research and then start with a single affiliate program first. As you learn more and more, you will get a hang of the whole affiliate marketing thing, but in order to succeed you must be prepared to spend a lot of time studying and experimenting.
Yes, but your website better have some value.  Whether it is informative or entertaining, you can't just expect to make bundles with scammy pages that are put together.  For one you won't get any Google SEO, they aren't very fond of it, and two you won't get any word of mouth or social shares.  

Here are some good examples on a wiki of highly successful affiliate based websites:

Examples of Affiliate Marketing Websites
Gopi Subbaraj
Gopi SubbarajInternet Entrepreneur
Affiliate marketing used to be lucurative (2001-2007) with SEO and then PPC and then with media buying but not anymore.  But if you own a destination website (like or a good email list you can still make money.
Andrew Gretton
Andrew GrettonAffiliate Marketing Training, Affiliate Marketing Advisor
You can easily make BIG money through affiliate marketing... if you know what your doing. 

The biggest guys in the game are the ones who have mastered their niche and they all learned from somewhere too, don't let them fool you. 

Fortunately I have come across great success in the world of affiliate marketing due to great training and coaching content. I think you'd enjoy what AffilioLabs has to offer as far as helping you build up a base for your affiliate marketing career. 

In current affiliate marketing training from what I have seen these guys are really packing the punch for here in 2015. They are fully up to date on modern strategies to help marketers along their way. Good luck to ya!
Vivek Raval
Vivek RavalBuilt and managing the BigRock Affiliate Program
I think the amount of money an affiliate makes is directly proportionate to the effort he/she is willing to put into the program. Its like becoming a franchise owner, if you're not gonna do things to promote your new store then there's gonna be no business. 

I manage the affiliate program for my company and I see a lot of people making good money. 

Also, as Todd Stearn has mentioned in his response, an affiliate needs to constantly innovate his/her strategy to keep sales going.
Andy Wilkinson
Andy WilkinsonExpert-level skills/experience in Affiliate and referral marketing, Internet ...
Its a lot of work, but the great thing about is that it builds on itself.  

I would say the number one thing is to take part in a community (or several) and work to become a respected member or authority.  If you're interest is in basket weaving, then be an active member of that community.  They will visit your website because they will respect your advice and want to hear more of what you have to say.  You look at almost all of the really successful affiliate marketers and you'll see that they are authority figures in their respective niche.  *In the past you could simply write reviews of products, for example, but those days are pretty much over.
Daniel Bluesky
Daniel BlueskyCEO at
Yes you can.

And you don't even need your own site to bring traffic to your clients, you can simply buy certain traffic somewhere and then lead it where do you need it to be led, and get paid your comission. 
Become an affiliate on some CPA network (RunCPA for example) - find affiliate program there, then think where you can find traffic which is needed for this program - buy it, and start attracting people.
But to make big money you need big traffic.
Menachem Pritzker
Menachem PritzkerAs seen on the internet!
I just came back from Affiliate Summit, a biannual convention related to all things affiliate marketing.  There about 4000 people there.  I'd say that the answer is a definite "yes."
Yes :) I did and I find it easy to start with CPA offers. I have been doing affiliate marketing for over a year now and so far I am making about 300 USD per site a month. I now have 6 sites in total. 

If you want to try CPA, you can check out Max Bounty and Global Matrix Media. These are two of my most favorite networks.


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